Card of the week starting July 26, 2021 is the Ace of Wands Reversed. 

The Ace of Wands Reversed announces that it's time to participate an old dream, an idea, or a path we may have set aside originally for the sake of something else. Something from the recent past comes back into play, will you pass it up or will you indulge that curiousity? Getting an idea off the ground sometimes takes a few tries, so don't get discouraged if your work isn't quite "perfect." 

The supporting cards for this week are Strength Reversed, Four of Swords Reversed, and the Knight of Wands Reversed. All reverses shows that you really shouldn't be too quick to dismiss the energy that presents itself. While usually that fact wouldn't be too terribly pertinent- this time around, it seems to be screaming to not ignore the signs presenting themselves. Strength Reversed shows emotional hang ups and pause in action toward something that you have all the skills to complete. Is it the idea of judgment? Is it the potential of failure? What are you trying to avoid by inaction? Ask yourself these questions when a desired idea presents, yet there's a lack of effort on your part to follow through. It's not about the imperfections, but about the joy created through the task itself! Beware of comparison and imposter syndrome this week! The Four of Swords reversed is a mild red flag. Take your time and don't rush for a *self made* deadline. It is important to rest, but also know when the time is ripe for productivity. Indulgence may seem extra potent with this type of energy afoot. The Knight of Wands Reversed is a warning bell toward being too "quick" to finish. Check over your work as quality control can be a big factor toward your actual success. Patience and care are needed, but may be overlooked. This type of energy also signals a dismissal of something that may have held a potential route to a desired result. Perhaps that invite to a party will help you get the connection you need or potentially give you the inspiration you need to create a masterpiece. Allow yourself to deviate from the finish line for not only quality, but for your individual needs. 

This ace of wands is pulling us back into old ideas- ones that had a route to success. Though, the energy this week may be better for planning, rough drafts, or just writing down the idea for when our energy is more up to the task at hand. While there is some productivity here, it may be the bare minimun due to an exhaustive energy pushing through at the same time. This isn't a "no," but it can feel like a deterrent. Lack of drive should not be seen as a "stop" energy, but something to consider in your process. What will help you feel more focused or less stressed? 

Back burner ideas may become more important than the main star. Side quests to a larger journey help the level up process. Be open to taking on a side quest if you have the time and energy; otherwise, make sure your own self doesn't need to have a side quest for self care! Small tasks may feel bigger than normal, so if you have a little extra energy as of the moment - you may want to prep things this week to make it easier down the road. 

Socially, many of us may feel a bit burnt out. While we do care, some of us may just not have enough energy or hours in a day to mingle. There may also be a lot of tension we're carrying from the day to day interactions- like encountering a burnt out worker with a downer vibe or an entitled individual trying to manipulate others in an unreasonable way. Keep in mind that everyone has an unseen struggle; if you start feeling brushed off or like people just aren't caring for you in a desired manner. 

I hope your week ahead reinvigorates an idea from your past! You can make it work and thrive! Just respect your own limitations in terms of energy. Pace your tasks and allow yourself space to take breaks! Self care and adventure can make a world of difference when burn out sets in!
