Candle Readings are done as a "collective" reading every month. Each month theme's and energy will be discussed in this blog. 

January has a very cautious energy to it. While starting the new year is usually a celebration, it's got a much more muted feel this year. Many of us don't want to give this year an option to hit us with a curve ball as previous years have done recently. Shields are up, caution is heavy, and anxiety looms. 

When things feel "safe" enough to be a bit more "ourselves" we may notice weird behavior starting. Certain people may have complete lapses in their judgment and cause a cascading issue. The amount of stress that has been pent up- when finally released may raise some eyebrows. 

Some of us are hiding from our potential. Fearful that embracing it will not be worth the risk or the vulnerability. This year is the time to step into your full power- take a risk on letting others see your real self. The real question is, what is there left to lose? Some of us have gotten to the point that there's just "not a lot else" to be lost- so the risk is worth the potential backlash. Take chances that have little to do with loss of stability, but may enhance your life by putting yourself out there. 

Due to things becoming less chaotic in feel for a short time, there will be some trying to return to a normalcy that just isn't available anymore. A feeling of nolstagia may be worth the effort, yet it won't quite be what was fully desired. A vibe has left and it's not accessible through old means. What's being sought out is more of a "peace with the life one has chosen" rather than "familiar activity." It's easy to confuse the two in current day. 

Relaxation and rest may be difficult to get. It may seem like any time it's time to relax, someone needs something or that feeling that you should be doing something else. This is still a decent time to set boundaries, so don't just be irritated when you haven't laid down your woes, yet grit your teeth over others not noticing. Others may find they just can't stop thinking about their personal productivity. Many self employed may find themselves struggling with putting their work down when it's time to rest- like there's one more thing to always do. Setting down work burdens may be more difficult. Some may bring the drama home or not realize they need to stop fighting that battle in their head. Sleep may be interrupted, until you can let go of the woes of the day.

This is not the month to COAST. Effort is where all the reward is hidden. If you're considering doing this, that or the other thing- it may be time to put it into action instead of playing with it in idea form eternally. (This is one I'm going to have to get off my butt with as well- the deck I want to release, the podcast I want to do, the zines I have in my mind). All those things you've been toying with in 2021, it's time to start them in 2022. Preparation is done, start doing! Effort is your key to success now! 

Caution is necessary toward communication more than anything else. Misunderstandings are likely, especially if people have varying experiences. "We treat you like family" can be a huge issue for someone who has had hard family experiences or have had it used in abusive environments for guilt tripping. 

Certain details may be smoothed over or glossed with a better look- even if the reality isn't quite that. Beware of what sounds "too good to be true" from others, because it probably isn't true, even if it's not clearly obvious what's wrong. Beware of those who offer empty promises, especially when there's a history of non-delivery from them. Opportunists will use language to their advantage this month, be very wary in what you consider a "good bet." Facts > Potential

I hope you all find peace and opportunity in January 2022


For those seeking a personal reading, the shop has a Yearly, Level Up, and a January 2022 reading available to see what the new year holds for you.