August 2021 will be a month that highlights the importance of "self first." 

Honor yourself. This month will have rewards in wait for those that have this lesson down already! Those that struggle with putting themselves first: who find it hard to set boundaries, or people please - will find a lot of strife until this lesson is taken seriously and applied. 

The rewards of putting yourself first will be a cup refilled. Breathe. This is almost like a vacation from the struggle. When you have this lesson down, you may need to share it with others around you who may tip toe around themselves. Allow people to see the light through GENTLE guidance- this is still their decision to make. Certain factors may even fall together to exalt your work or give you an opportunity that you desire. 

For those of you that struggle with putting yourself first. You may find your friend groups are needier / more dramatic than usual. While it is OKAY to help somewhat, there's a point where it can become disrespectful to yourself. Know when it's time to back down or set a boundary. This is a valuable lesson, as painful as it may appear. You may want to ensure your efforts are being valued when they are in request- don't force yourself to do something you hate for little to no energy exchange. There's a lot of you that will be quitting work due to this disrespect. 

The drama. The drama is going to be something else. So many lies, with so little discernment. The issue with the lies, misinformation, or gossip flowing during this month is that these bits of information are so much more fun than the truth. Fun lies usually circulate FASTER than a boring truth. While it may be fun to indulge listening, avoid spreading something without deep contemplation- is it trying to evoke an emotion, a feeling, or gain? Pull away from those that don't allow you to think for yourself or make it difficult to discern reality from an hyper sensationalized idea.

Energy vampires will become more potent than usual. Pay attention to who makes you feel refreshed and who makes you feel like blech. This is key toward protecting your energy. Energy vampires come in multiple forms- so keep an eye out for the family's attention seeker, the chosen misery relationship, or the person who only calls you for a favor. Don't get baited- most energy vampires know how to slant a game to make it seem like you're "participating on your own free will," but in reality, it was a crafted way to get you into their mess. 

Strength and balance go hand in hand this month. Know when to be strong and know when to retreat. If you do not take time for rest, you damage yourself. When you resist doing the work, there is no growth. Some of you may need to re-assess where and when to invest your energy.  

This month also signals you to take charge of your personal projects, ideas, and inspirations. You may have felt a lull for a bit prior to this month toward getting things together. This month, it's time to get it together and manifest desired ideas. Make sure you're in the spotlight through your own efforts- and thank those that support your success. The energy is RIPE for taking, but you need to claim it through your own sovereignity. 

Lastly, there's a weirdness that's coming forth. Stories will be MADE from the odd events that happen. While it may seem farfetched, HONOR the weird that comes into your life. This type of energy helps shake up the seriousness- and it is NEEDED. Allow for appreciation of these reality bending situations as this isn't a bad weirdness, it just is. 

I hope you all feel EMPOWERED and set strong boundaries for August!
