Card of the Week starting August 9, 2021 is the Storm Card. 

This signals there's a lot of turmoil coming to light. This is a built up storm, one that brings destruction, but also healing to an area. Unpleasantry is part of this process. Are you ready to weather a storm? Moodiness will seem more prevelant.

While last week had a more casual feeling energy to it, this week feels a bit more like a dip in the road. You're going to notice something isn't quite as it should be. A shift, while unlooked for, is NEEDED.

Supporting cards for this week were the Sleep, the Song, and the Big. The Sleep card may imply while the energy we're dealing with is transformative, it doesn't seem to be the center of attention. A memory or mental aspect is coming forward- pay attention and don't dismiss it as done. You may need to reconsider a new stance from what you previously thought. This may also signal dreams or meditative states being more "potent" for messages. The Song is about communication. Writing out these thoughts or feelings may be helpful toward getting to the root of things. Are you aware of the true root of your concerns? Is the obstacle in your way, REALLY an obstacle at all? The Big signals a turning point. While this may be a private epiphany, this does change the narrative that you've been following. The big also shows that this is a STRONG turning point all together. 

The energy when the storm comes around is unpredictable, volatile, and sometimes leaves some nasty feelings. Don't force anything or you may find yourself in worse shape than just adjusting to the circumstances presented. Let things go or you may be struck by a stray lightning bolt. This is NOT the time to start up, even if it seems like a "good idea" at the time.  

Consider this energy silimar to that of lightning striking an old tree. Sometimes that ol' beloved tree DOES need to come down and make room for new growth. The lightning that struck it, only pushes the process to remove it- rather than actually killing it. It was already dead by the time this storm came around. While the memories of the tree live on, the tree itself no longer has the ability to thrive. There's something problematic lingering, what needs to be released? What is the avoided task / path? You may want to reconsider your stance toward it. 

This week can be frustrating and painful. While it's not really a specific event, there's a multitude of things that build into this storm creating a super cell. This is essentially a "tower" moment for tarot savvy individuals. 

The Storm is also a nourishing force. When rain falls it washes away the old. When the lightning strikes it clears the air of the built up pressure. The wet feeds the earth. The clouds release their heaviness and allow for rays of sunshine. While waiting for the storm to pass, it is far easier to be more present and mindful toward nature. This week, while chaotic, has a very strong feeling of personal healing. Perhaps you're seeing a perspective long since forgotten- coming back to show you that you may have been mistaken in your previous judgment. Shadow work is most likely happening on a LARGE scale. 

This is an exceptional week. Make sure you pay attention to where the mind is trying to lead you. A storm is temporary, but it can show you many things.
