Card of the week starting August 16, 2021 is the Hermit from the Tyrian Tarot Deck. 

The Hermit uses solitude in order to gain more knowledge without the addition of other's opinion. Sometimes this requires a physical journey; while other times this will require a book, or quiet time to meditate. Where the hermit goes is led by the heart and mind working together. This can signal shadow work for those that have difficulty trusting in their own inner guidance. 

How do you view solitude? How do you utilize quiet time? Do you have a moment to breathe away from others? These questions may come into play this week. 

The elaboration cards decided that I needed to draw 4 instead of the usual 3. The Two of Disks Reversed states that the time is now, the place is here. Make your move, or you may lose the possibility altogether. Take the chance. The Eight of Disks Reversed notes on an unethical approach to your needs. You may need to lie or find a loophole to get your needs met. While there can be guilt from this type of action, this seems to be necessary. The system in which this type of energy should already thrive is sputtering to keep afloat. Hard work isn't proving as beneficial as needed. It may feel like someone is taking something that isn't theirs to take. The Three of Disks in this deck shows a benefit bestowed. While others may not realize the importance of your work, this is your time to really push things out and shine. Build and Create the system you want to see. The Two of Swords shows a potential for guilt to be hoistened onto the solution. The hermit may see through the rouse, but to the common man- it may seem you've played a dangerous game where you bit the hand that fed you. The outside view is painted with the puppeteer's spin. Beware of stories that feel "off" or give a spin that seems a bit... skewed to say the least. The abuser rarely states they were FULLY wrong and will paint a victim as a threat. This type of energy only continues when a blind eye is turned to the victim as the abuser "wasn't that bad" in their own spin and approval gaining tactics. 

This type of energy will be showing that the reciprocation for energy is NOT being met. It's possible that a shift in power is happening, especially where dependency is in play. The Hermit is a FREEING card with these energies in play, but the method they use may be seen as extreme or problematic. Sometimes the only way to gain this type of freedom is by acknowledging that an extreme measure was necessary. 

Themes that may come to light:  The hermit has their own inner light to help guide them. Do not doubt the internal pushes that come through this week for that reason. The hermit is strong in their mind, if you're noticing your mind is weak or struggling- it may be time to take some time to yourself to revitalize the mind. The hermit recognizes their own needs and honors that aspect of themselves. True knowledge is custom to the individual. Investment into the self is most rewarding of all. Take the time and see the results. Some of you may need to call in for a mental health day or quit a job altogether. The hermit needs freedom and will continue to find it even in unlikely of circumstances. 

There's always the other side of the coin to take into consideration. If you're noticing others are not nearly as interactive as they once were, ALLOW them their space. Respect any new boundaries created at this time, they're for the other person, boundaries are not specifically made to halt you. The need to be around others may rise in individuals who detest alone time- disliking themselves and seeking light outside of their own means. If you're the person seeking others out, it's time to ask what it is that you dislike- what is it that others have that you believe that you don't and where did that belief stem from? The ability to savor alone time should come easy with this card in play- but not always. 

Take it at your own pace this week! Honor yourself and keep your inner light bright!
