Card of the week starting January 17, 2022 is The Confirmation from the Marseille Oracle Deck. 

This week's energy is THE CONFIRMATION, which gives a strong answer. Which route that goes is up to you. Are you ready to step into your power or will you let others usurp your opportunities?

The supporting cards this week are Fantasy, Passion, and Protection. Fantasy as a support card shows an idea or dream waiting to be tapped into. Are you ready to push for a more desired outcome? Fantasy is one of the first steps toward getting what you desire, which is why many who manifest insist on visualization. Start visualizing yourself in the roles you desire - if it scares you, you're most likely on the right track. Passion is all about getting your desires out there. For some this can come as a jarring experience, especially if it's there were rough waters for previous attempts. It's time to start adding heat to the fire; instead of, just letting the embers die out. Indulge your inner artist, your passionate humanitarian, or start jotting down ideas and how to impliment them to your desired outcome. It's not about being right, but about DOING this week. Those who do will find their waves pushing them toward their dreams- those that sit still will watch their dreams float further away from them. Protection is the last card here. Some of us have had the misfortune of someone taking our idea and utilizing it before we could. This is that kind of energy. If you're making something unique- KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Expecting others to not act on genius or something considered "easy" is silly. Don't be caught with your pants down in someone else's story. Until you're fully sure you're going to utilize the idea- don't share it wide and far, it's likely to be stolen. 

This kind of week brings a lot of frustrations forward. What keeps you stuck and why? If it's lifted, would you act or sit still? Be honest with yourself. Don't make excuses. Being mad that someone utilized an idea you were not going to act upon is a waste of your emotional resources. Start moving. These new ideas need to be in the world and without action fall useless. 

Let yourself dream big. If you're able to accomplish everything in a week's time, you're thinking TOO SMALL. This is a BIG dreamer's week. If you need a morale boost- it will most likely come through now. Let yourself explore and embrace the potentials. Just don't let yourself get carried away to a point where everyone is involved. Secretiveness is necessary, until the time is right. 

The confirmation has a flip side that I haven't mentioned. This may also be a wake up call week. Some of you need that sign to LEAVE where you're at, you're going to get it. If you need the push to get out, it's on its way. The "Hey, it's okay to quit or let go of that thing" from friends and family may rise up in conversation. The confirmation to say NO to an ongoing cycle of misery or pain is coming. Say it in power and do for you. Confirmation for both "YES DO THE THING" and "STOP DOING THE THING" is here. 

If you desire a personal reading please feel free to utilize the shop. I hope you all get the message you need LOUD and CLEAR this week!
