The energy starting the week of August 23, 2021 is the 8 of Wands Reversed.

This week has a lot of stop and go. While the motivation to move forward may finally be coming forward, there's a lot in the way of completing tasks that get you out of the woods. It's almost as if the woods shifted or your map was outdated...

The supporting cards for this week are the Knight of Potions Reversed, 7 of Swords Reversed, and 3 of Coins. The Knight of Potions Reversed states that our emotional needs and wants may not be met. What is believed to bring happiness  at this time may only bring a sense of disappointment. Beware of expecting something without stating what you want in return- there will be no compensation, if it isn't asked and agreed upon first. Vampires of the emotional, mental, and work variety are in full swing. The 7 of Swords Reversed states that the problems you face may not be within your control. Something else may be pulling strings and be countering your moves. It may be best to switch your approach or think for a time rather than act. Sometimes the torch you're carrying is not your own- make sure you're still going after what *you* want, not what others desire from you. The 3 of Coins states that this a building week. While it may seem like more physical progress is involved with building, it also includes "reverse progress." The walls of the old need to be torn down before laying a new foundation. Sketching your structural ideas out then tweaking them without lifting a hammer is also progress.This can signal the close of chapter to make way for a new setting, theme, or goal which are more attuned to *you* rather than what was set for you by a parent, a well meaning lover, or what you believe society wants you to do. 

This week, while frustrating, will have a lot of people breaking free of the chains they've been shackled under. While they may not "run free" or have a life all set ready to go- this is a time to adjust what's needed and adjust the approach toward how things flow. Chaotic shifts create a lot of blockages, many of which provide valuable information, even if they disrupt plans or overall ideas. This is a time to free yourself from past restrictions, but first you need to know the "how, why, and whom" these restrictions came from. These restrictions should be a wake up call toward what you need and want. Some people will be starting to become more independent after facing these aspects and realizing "their plans" were based someone else's expectation. 

This is also a signal to TURN DOWN endless productivity narratives and listen to your personal needs. This type of energy is teaching us that burn out is no joke. Forcing a river from an empty cup will not bring the best result. There may even be some health concerns looming for those not respecting their body's limits. Many (like myself) may be pulling away from social media for a short time, others may take a mental health day from work, some may up and leave the entire situation they're under. Allow for a break, and if there isn't room for one- make one.

Sometimes that old goal or idea doesn't suit the current flow- make sure you're using a watering can for your luscious garden and not a sippy cup to water your garden as the sippy cup will require multiple refills before you're done. Growing past the sippy cup is a good sign, even if that was a really neat cup with your favorite design. Respect your level ups. 

Be open to the changes that come. Respect the flow. It's not easy when society dictates that every moment be productive, but this is the way. Rest. Even the biblical God took a day to rest- you as a human, also need to rest.

For those demanding a result out of those who need a moment to breathe, please be understanding and empathetic to those trying their best. Sometimes people need a moment to themselves, so don't take cancelled plans with a friend personal! Remember everyone is autonomous and living in their own set of struggles, ideals, and accomplish different things to survive. Life is about surviving and sometimes that's all anyone can do. Realize the limits of mankind doesn't always amount to a grandeur hill of movement or olympian strength, sometimes the mundane wears heavily on an individual. Even if the outside world has these due dates, times, and expectations, these are not the be all end all. Be forgiving. Be kind. Be open to change.

I hope you all fulfill your personal needs this week!
