Card of the week starting January 24, 2022 is the Nymph of Waters Reversed from the Beautiful Creatures Tarot.

This week has strong emotional themes with this nymph at play, and when reversed the lessons here may be more painful than usual. Certain things you may fully believe you "don't need to go through," yet this card says differently. One of the most contradictory lessons of life tends to show: sometimes we need to make the mistake to KNOW that's NOT a real desire. This week will highlight choices and where they lead emotionally.

The supporting cards this week are the Crab of Waters Reversed, 10 of Waters, and 8 The Fortitude Reversed. When the Crab of Waters is Reversed there's an uprising of thoughts and emotions that have been gnarled into itself coming to the surface. Emotionally, there's something that needs attention. Ignoring this will have it seep out in undesired ways. For the collective this type of energy shines brightest on customer interaction- you're in the line of fire for unchecked and undesired emotional bursts. There may also be a sudden need to quit or break free from specific toxic cycles which do not let anyone grow. The 10 of Waters brings the desired forward. Sometimes to realize what we truly desire, the lesson of what we don't want (the crab of waters rx) has to be in play. Some of you may finally have that "AHA!" moment that strengthens your confidence to change circumstances. Others may find comfort in positive nihilism (Example : If none of this matters then failure doesn't brand me negatively). Overall, there's a shift toward a better life and set of circumstances. Things are getting too grimey to continue without upheaval. Last we see 8 The Fortitude Reversed. Many of us will feel exhausted from this week's energy. It would not be shocking to turn inward toward self comforting and soothing after all this drama. This is your sign to get your comfort show, your favorite low effort foods, and something rewarding before the week starts rearing it's energy. Low energy goes hand in hand with low patience, so try to be understanding and compassionate to those who are completely frazzled. Emotional excitement takes physical energy so beware of emotionally blowing up only to lose all spark afterward. Find ways to release people's words, feelings, and actions that are unchanging.

So what kind of week is this? Stressful, draining, and emotional. Trying to control others is impossible. The best route of action is to control yourself as best as you can in the circumstances you are given. Regret lingers with this Nymph over past actions from unchecked emotion- know when it's time to set emotions aside for your best interest. 

She may also CHECK her superiors with her personal compassion only to be cast aside- this is not an unreasonable request but those above her may be driving her to extremes to get her point across. Some of you may have DIVINE ANGER rising- this is not to be cast aside, even if anger is seen as a "negative" response. Divine Anger is the anger set forth from personal needs being constantly ignored, cast aside, or outright invalidated- this type of anger is a gift even if you do regret the outburst. Let yourself be heard and known. Stop letting unreasonable demands set your standards and life pace. 

How do you utilize this energy? Take the lesson and move forward. Learn and don't repeat. Emotionally find places where you CAN remove some of that tension. Seek EMOTIONALLY FULFILLING activities which are safe and give peace. Destructive patterns need to be abolished- if you're not ready to face it, it's time to acknowledge the way out is a real option for you. That STUCK energy needs to move- but it won't move without change, be open to change instead of feeling this or that way dwelling on a moment that hasn't been pertinent for some time. 

This week demands us to face a painful truth, a non-reciprocal relationship, a crutch that is now your identity. Transmute that energy, change the cycle, shift the narrative- there is joy in this week for those that take the path of self fulfillment instead of doing "what's expected." 

I hope this week releases heaviness from your life and gives you a new refreshing perspective on life!
