The main theme of February 2022 is Stamina. 

Are you able to keep up or are you draining your resources being mad about this or that? This month highlights the things that carry true importance instead of that "official importance." 

This month requires rest from tired individuals. Those that continue to wearily push on will find themselves unable to move, until they decide to allow themsevles rest. The more you struggle against pause the longer it will go on. The universe is asking you- if you want to see the world in all its magic and splendor, you need to let go of this constant "motion" aspect that's been pushed the past few years. 

Struggles are heavy in the air with little to no reciprocation. Money may be extremely tight, so make sure you know how to relax without this resource. Tensions are high even with energy so low- so walking away from battles that don't warrant the energy will be common place. 

There's a "done" vibe to this month. It's just like... everyone's done with what's been the "norm." The key here is to reserve energy- DO NOT SPEND IT ON IMMEDIATE TRIGGERING MEDIA. The one who can wait is the one who will be victorious this month. The one that upsets oneself with several battles out of their reach will never conquer the war with too many focuses. Pick your battles wisely. Some of these battles are energy wasters for those too stuck in an emotional state to realize to pull away. 

People are seeking soothing connections. Certain things considered boring are going to be surging- like watching knitting or other repetitive yet soothing processes. Those that create content with connection to their audience will most likely see a spike in reach. Those that create an air of impossible standard to reach them may notice their reach drops significantly. People want connections that are attainable now- hollywood just ain't it, but that youtube granny who knits hats and lets you watch her- that's going to be the big thing this month. Who's accessible vs who's not will be a key factor in content this month. 

Toward romance, this is still all about soothing. Firey intense romances may fizzle quickly with the need for "feeling safe" rising. If a partner doesn't make you feel like you're safe or secure, there's a high possibility of break ups this month toward that uncertain energy. Others may find their exes on their doorstep asking for their soothing energy in short. Know when it's time to close the door or when it's time to allow grace upon an individual who's asking for it. 

February is not going to be an easy month. There's a lot of pressure for this or that. The key is to listen to yourself. Your wise energy will be trying to guide you where you need to go- even if you feel it's a detour. Sometimes the detours in life are where the best inspiration pops from. Allow yourself the ability to rest and remove yourself from stress, especially stressors that aren't yours to carry. 

Have a restful February everyone.
