Card of the week starting August 30, 2021 is the 7 of Swords Reversed. 

This week, you may want to be careful with the narrative you're following, it may not be what you actually want to support. Energy is being misdirected toward places that it wasn't anticipated to flow. 

The supporting cards for this week are the Queen of Wands Reversed, The Five of Disks Reversed, and the Eight of Swords. The Queen of Wands Reversed has a lot of pride and energy. With this card's influence reversed, there's a pride in the "wrong thing." This can be much in line with "karen" attitudes being proud that they got something for being disruptive or cheating to a finish line. The Five of Disks Reversed shows the glory of the previous being short lived. Call out for bad behavior will be in the air, but sometimes this can become over zealous. Beware of getting too caught up in a vibe that you're not paying attention to the message. Lastly the Eight of Swords has a blocking energy. You can't move forward with this type of energy. Some of us may lay in our sins at night recounting how it shouldn't have been this or that way. Beware of self flagellation in this type of week. You can do better, but being cruel to the self does NOT create the kind of 'woke' you're looking for. A resentment builds with cruelty or unnecessary pain- don't whip yourself for the actions of others that you feel should have been different. Just do better- change doesn't require punishment or pain. 

This week brings out some of the ways humanity is flawed. It can be hard for some to swallow how we got to this point. Breathe. This kind of week's energy is heavy and hard to navigate for empaths, so if it starts to become heavy- do break away and refill the battery. 

Sometimes the victory of "I told you so" isn't nearly as sweet as it should be when it was a dire reason. There's some loss of hope here. The key is to try to find the "helpers." Or if you're able, become a helper! Don't focus on the sin and pain- focus on the fix and long term adjustments, so it doesn't happen again.

This is your reminder to be discerning toward information given this week. Don't jump too quickly to defend what was missing from the story. That little tidbit may make all the difference. It will be tempting to ACT before thinking- try to remember to mull over the possibilities prior to running to war for the sake of someone's hurt pride.

While this week may have many of us in a bind or feeling trapped. There's nothing really "personal" here. Keep trying to live life to the best of your ability. Have a decent week and don't be too hard on yourself!
