Card of the week starting February 1, 2022 is The Loop.

This is a week to pay attention to cycles. What serves you vs what hinders you overall. The key is to take notes on what's bringing joy and what's siphoning your time and energy without remorse. Where do you actually want to invest yourself? 

The supporting cards this week are the Erase, the Big, and the Through. Often times when the Erase card is in play, there's a release necessary. Ask yourself : What no longer applies? This can signal several types of "ending" energies such as a relationship, an erroneous idea, or leaving a workplace. The chapter is wrapping itself up, make sure you're keeping up. Several people are trying far too hard to cling to "what never served them" in the first place. The Big usually signals a heaviness or profoundness to any energy. Consider this the amplifier to whatever is going on this week. You can't ignore or tune out this type of energy. It's going to find you, even when you hide away. Last the Through card signals a transitional period. If you were able to release that specific aspect you need to release, this transition should feel smoother than if you didn't. A wistfulness may settle in as you may wonder about each potential or possibility. While this refreshed cycle is desired, it may not be easy to slip into and may take more than one attempt to keep it going. The through pushes everyone to take steps to let go of the old in favor of something else. 

This type of release is cyclic. At the end of a cycle, there is always release. Let it go. It's okay. That which is truly for you will find a way back to you. Be very honest with yourself and your situation. This is a HARD decisions week. Stick to what you choose and trust that choice is correct. 

Perspective may bring a lot of understanding where there hasn't been. Some of us may need to step away from things that aren't necessarily harmful, but no longer permit growth for the individual. Sometimes the reason for a break up isn't a bad fight; instead it can be you both just are going in different directions. Keep this in mind toward release- it doesn't need to be painful or harmful! Just release this lesson, it doesn't need to cause harm for you to move forward.

Much like the caged canary we can fly, but who can really know how high when stifled by ownership? It's time to be free even if it comes with apprehension. While the caged canary can still bring joy in its own way, the real challenges this animal can conquer are outside of that cage. Consider this week's freeing energy in that sense. While it may not be 100% safe, do you really want to not know how high you can fly? The danger is real, but sheltering won't bring the knowledge or expansion sought naturally by this being. 

It's time to push more toward your own authentic needs and ideas. Each individual has their own sets of preferences for what their life requires- it's time to evaluate if you're carrying something that needs more growth or freedom. 

The Big is a concerning card in this mix as it really pushes a vibe out there of focusing on what truly matters. This does not come from light hearted energy. The energy is deep and hard to handle. Shadow work and value are themes lingering intuitively from this pull. While it can be harmless, it may signal an outside event that triggers this energy shift. People don't change without significant pushes usually from outside of themselves. 

I hope you all find the roots of your desires and follow them this week. Let go of all that garbage keeping you from being your true self! 
