October 2021... You're scary in all the wrong ways this year!

October has a very constant flame, which means it's a controlled energy, even if it seems really chaotic. The chaos itself will be more geared toward what you're in control of. Your social circles and habits are the core focus- are they really helpful or are they tearing you down

Are you procrastinating on ONE EASY thing, then an anxious mess as the build up toward 5 then 10 easy things pile on? This is not a great time to "put things aside." If it needs to be done, get it done! Every day brings its own drama and challenges along with it. This is not to say "rush," but don't set important things aside for the tedious or non-reciprocating. 

Many people who tend to assume people know what they want in return are going to get a RUDE wake up call. It's not that you don't deserve what you're anticipating, but you need to make it KNOWN what you expect in return for your energy. Be direct. Don't pussy-foot around what you're owed or to what you owe others. A lot of conflict and pain will rise from trying to remain too timid or non-confrontational. 

This is decidedly an uncomfortable month. Skeletons have been in the closet for too long, they're restless and coming out to play in all their boney glory. Those things we dance around because they're seen as "low/bad vibes" are coming to fruit. We buried them in the dirt, not realizing they could grow into a tree of horror. Face it. The longer you keep trying to hide the pain, the more you feed the horrors within. Attempting to avoid your own self will result in repetative and painful cycles. Allow yourself the grace to NOT be perfect, but do the best you can to shift into a more knowledgeable narrative. The lesson is not lost unless you ignore the issue.

Is it time to heal from a connection, a relationship, a supposed friend? The magic of a block button, leaving messages unread, or even to the extent of a restraining order may be necessary. Gage your situation and decide what you need. Some of you already know you have that one person who's just dragging you to hell with them- stop allowing them to bring you down. Let that toxic connection go!

On the flip side, some of us may just need to leave our phones on DO NOT DISTURB mode to keep ourselves afloat. Take heed to where your energy is flowing and draining. Enough is enough. You need to tend to your personal needs to ensure you don't drown in the trauma of news, social media, or toxic environments. 

Many people are realizing they've grown. It's time to take out the rubbish. Some may leave long term jobs, relationships, or let go of long term ideas that don't apply to this ever changing world. It's not worth the mental strain to continue with the restrictions these things bring. While I do feel like many will call this a "new chapter," the way I've seen it is more like this is a NEW BOOK in the series. The characters, plots, and world are changing, but the main character remains. 

October is eye opening. Some of us will need time to breathe and let the reality set in. Shadow work is heavy, uncomfortable, and painful. Grieve for your sake. If you need to take a mental health day, do it. The rot went further than many of us realize- and here it is at the surface. Destroy the source of the rot or it will continue to consume. 

I hope you all realize what you need to face and cleanse from your life. If you'd like a personal reading for October, please feel free to order a monthly reading from the main page. 

I still have a very big plan for the collective monthly candle readings. Be patient and stay pumped. It's going to be worth the wait. 

The October Monthly Candle Reading in VIDEO Format is here

