Card of the Week Starting October 4, 2021 is the 5 of Wands Reversed from the Constellation Tarot. 

This is a week where you need to look into your actions. Are they actually helpful? What restrictions are you setting upon yourself? Why are things not coming to fruit? 

This is a week to ACKNOWLEDGE the hurdles, do not avoid the problems in front of you, but to face it head on. Stop psyching yourself out of doing the things you desire. 

The supporting cards this week are the King of Wands Reversed, 5 of Swords and the 8 of Swords. The first card is the King of Wands Reversed which presents an authority figure with an off handed comment or abuse of power. Someone who is respected may have stated something you've taken too far out of context or you're applying an "idea" that no longer holds value or benefit. People and circumstances change over time, it may be time to indulge yourself - something that may have been discouraged prior. The 5 of Swords signals a problem or confrontation which may have been out of line from the previous card. An example of this can be someone stating "hey you sure eat a lot" which evolved into you feeling self conscious around food or eating in front of others.  It feels like there's something said in passing that wasn't supposed to go this far. It's time to look at it for what it was and stop carrying that burden- it doesn't hold true and the intention may have not been as clear as it may be believed. You were never supposed to take it as far as it's gone. Last the 8 of Swords which signals restrictions. This type of restriction came from long ago. It's time to face the shadows of the past that created this limiting situation. While this may not be a big "movement" week, it is a week where you realize you're not nearly as stuck as you believe. Start looking to your roots and what you gave up for the sake of some comment, odd look, or experience that went sour.

This type of week is difficult for some. Looking at causes behind behaviors and habits can be incredibly "touchy." Listen and look to your sources behind your restriction. Is it from someone else who had those restrictions or weird standards? Was it from someone just trying to upset you? Really REALLY look into it. Some people may find their self conscious actions are caused by someone else's trauma or experiences that don't apply to them. 

This is a very cerebral week. Allow yourself time to look into repeating thoughts or patterns. It's time to look into the reasons behind the "Method to the madness" sometimes you realize the method is just madness afterall. 

I hope you all find this week enlightening and freeing!
