The card of the week starting March 28, 2022 is VI The Lovers from the Necronomicon Deck. 

A strange union brings happiness. An unexpected person may bring you a sense of peace, comfort, or have a helpful message for you this week. Accept the love given, even if it's not conventional. 

The supporting cards are the 5 of Disks, X the Wheel, and the 4 of Cups Reversed. The 5 of Disks presents a tense atmosphere. Work, School, Home Life, Friendships - These things are in stressful places. It may feel like there's a constant cloud of "failure" or "pain" surrounding one (or more) of these aspects. A scale is tipped into action. Perhaps an off comment brings you to that place of action, or even the lack of effort has been enough for you to consider severing ties. The 5 of Disks is a yellow flag to be wise with your time, money, and resources. X The Wheel states there's an event out of most people's hands happening this week. Volatile meets unpredictable which is usually not a great combo. The wheel tips the scale - which way is the question. The overwhelming options may become a singular path or the stagnant path may finally have a new route emerging. Don't try too hard to look ahead, just be. Last looking at the 4 of Cups Reversed states there's a lot of emotions being thrown into this mix. What used to NOT bother you becomes a larger issue. Emotions may be used to make questionable or problematic decisions, because you've put up with it before. It is far better to keep afloat than to jump into the deep end. Beware of those drowning trying to push you under to keep themselves up, this phrase will become more clear as the week plays out. Many may find their connections or friendships fizzling due to problematic cycles. It's time to let these problems fall into the depths they dug for themselves.

This week has a very intriguing mix of both union and separation. Some of us will grow closer to those that have brought us joy, while others are finally cutting away parasitic cords or maddening connections. Those that avoid looking within by keeping others around them, may find they need to look in as their connections become less. Those who empower or love may see an uptick in their connections or "demand" as people need the energy they exude more than ever. 

What's important now is finding LOVE, COMPASSION, and KINDNESS. This may lead into needing to embody these things without concern over "deserving it." All life deserves these aspects, but the reaction to these things will vary from individual to individual. Make sure you're not just giving everyone the SAME action or conversation, people need these aspects expressed differently to truly feel cared for. Love languages may become a hot topic or concern with this type of energy floating. 

Those that throw stones may find the helper they've been abusing has had enough. There's a sort of collective signal of "No More" coming through. Even if you don't quite "quit a job" or "block that jerk," the beginning of that process is here. It's time to rise into love, instead of beating oneself for not being enough.

I hope you all feel loved and cared for this week. 
