Welcome to November 2021

This month has a very quiet feel to it. It's not quite as loud or proud as the past few months have been. This month can be considered a breather to some and a burst of inspiration for others. 

The main theme for this month is what was done vs what was not. This theme has a sleeping elephant in the room for many. It's urged that you confront this thing; rather than, to try to make excuses or shift attention elsewhere. This is your chance to remove this big ol' nuisance that's been taking up valuable mental and emotional real estate. 

While the skeletons fell out of the closet in October, November has you asking if you even want to put them back where they've been stored or actually bury them in the yard. Take note, that those that decide to restore these skeletons to the closet may find it harder than usual to put them back in without any questions or concerns raised. Burying these skeletons will bring a greater sense of peace in your life, as a new closet is available for your things and you no longer need to avoid the landmine conversations. It will take work: like digging a hole, asking if anyone needs a skeleton, or grabbing a hefty bag and dragging that thing out to the trash. 

Because we're dealing with such a heavy and personal wound, many of us may retreat to NOT have to explain the gritty details of our private work. Nothing personal toward those trying to get together, but sometimes we just know we're going to be the bummer on a good time out. Gage before commiting or forgoing- Are you in a stable mindset, On a battery percentage where you at for energy, and Is this someone I will feel good about interacting with afterward? Due to the holiday this month, it may not be possible to avoid every red flagged event, but it's also possible that getting out of your comfort zone is exactly what's needed. Ignorance is truly bliss for the ignorant- but our eyes are opening to higher awareness- don't keep acting like it's all alright when it isn't anymore. 

Some of us may come to realize the parasitic nature of our connections. Is it worth our time and energy to be around certain people? Some connections feel absolutely unavoidable, yet others may be more of our own choice to interact with as much as we do. Certain people may even come up through the woodwork that we've lost contact with over time. While it may be thrilling to meet up again, do remember the reason why you may have not spoken in some time- it may be a mirror to what's to come. 

There seems to also be a LARGE scale issue that's being danced around. We all are aware of it, yet there's no action done. It's going to be frustrating, especially to those that consume news media and hold compassion for their fellow people. The LARGE scale issue is not going to be solved this month, so don't get your hopes up when a decent solution arises. The real solution will not be as "clear" as the ones thrown out to the public. 

Some of you may be asked "What is it you want and why?" This is a very strong question. A person may realize "I want this because I was told to want it" instead of genuinely desiring what they're after. Be aware of your actions and ask yourself this strong question when you're feeling less inspired toward what you "should" be doing to accomplish that. Some may start feeling pulled to do something they dropped for the sake of others, it's time to pick up again. 

There's a bit of blame pushed with this month- even if it's quiet, there's a sense of resentment coming through. The questions toward "Why was this NOT done," instead of why was the original action taken. It's about what was forgone, not what actually happened. If you're feeling some kind of way toward yourself or others, do realize that most people do the best they can with what they got, even if it's not always ideal for everyone involved. What wasn't done matters just as much as what was. This can include things like hiding from a looming responsibility, avoiding listening to a hard topic, or pushing aside something loved for something less emotionally involved. 

Attend to your personal matters. This month is giving many of us a breather to assess and switch the narrative if it's heading into an undesired road. 

I hope those of you who are carrying an unseen burden are able to set it down or make it less heavy this month! As always, if you would like a personal reading you're always welcome to purchase a Monthly Reading from the shop. 
