Card of the week starting November 1, 2021 is the Knight of Pentacles.

This knight is slower moving than the others. He thinks and considers all of his options. This week is a good one to consider where you're going and if you want to be there. 

The supporting cards this week are the King of Wands Reversed, IV of Pentacles Reversed, and the II of Cups Reversed. When looking at the King of Wand Reversed- This shows a discrepency toward what was intended and what the result became. The mind is not clear or the desire isn't strong enough to really get the plan cohesive enough to thrive. Look into where you're lackluster and WHY- you may just find that you need to consider a more rewarding path. Disregard of workplaces may rise with this energy in order to gain better rewards or respect. The IV of Pentacles Reversed has the energy of what "could have been." The idea of "if only" or "If I just did this" is in the air. Beware of dwelling on the past; as it just can't be changed at this point. The best you can do is to take the lesson and move forward. You may also realize what tasks are just draining your time, money, or energy into a lack of reward in the end. This is a good time to let go or adjust to your CURRENT circumstances. The II of Cups Reversed warns against taking the considerations of others to heart. Sometimes that off comment, that look, or the sporadic action is enough to make us give up our real desires. Pick up the ideas, dreams, or projects you set aside due to someone else's lack of faith. It's all about you this week, so an outside perspective should be only taken as a "suggestion" instead of law. Sometimes the audience you seek isn't within your friend groups, let yourself thrive without social congratulations.

This week has a lot of healing toward the past and understanding where our flaws lie. Time may also move slower with this knight as the MAIN theme.  Just remember, everything takes time- just make sure you're putting that time to something usable- not moping or wondering what could have been. Success is rarely instant: One must consider the build up of work, effort, lessons, and adjustment that goes along the way. 

While the pace may be slower than many are comfortable with in our "GO GO GO!" type of world, take full advantage of the extra time that may be offered. While, yes, we have daylight savings coming up, we also have a slow down in human interactions and "to-do" lists. Breathe. Listen to the thoughts and consider your options- just don't get lost or become paralyzed with the information that'll present itself.

It's time to look at where our energies are invested and consider switching it up if we're not quite where we want to be. This includes making sure you're taken care of in body, mind, and spirit- some may feel called to cook again, others may start making more art, there's others that may start exercising. Overall this is a long term IMPROVEMENT week, because we have time to assess what we desire and how we wish to go about it.  

I hope you all find your spark again- as this is a perfect week to disregard what hasn't been fulfilling and dimming your shine. 
