Card of the Week starting November 8, 2021 is the Return.

The Return speaks of coming back around. What was believed lost can find its way back to us. A lost love, a treasured item, or even a feeling that hasn't been within our grasp is making its way back to us. 

The supporting cards this week are the Glow, the Rain, and the Little. Originally, the Glow card flew out with the Return. This is a very strong week in terms of energy where many of us who have felt "disconnected" will feel that connection click back in. It's like finding that missing puzzle piece that's been hidden for so long, yet it was just stuck under the side of the box or misplaced in a way where we kept skimming over it. Sometimes we can't "intuitive" our way out of growing situations or push the narrative any faster than it decides to move. Celebrate the in-tune feeling that's coming back around to you.  The Rain states that there may be some gloominess or mourning this week. That's part of the process- to let go of the thing that's blocked the path, some may not realize that the thing that's been blocking them is something or someone they care deeply about. The rain clears the air so we can see past the haze that's been about. Release is rarely easy or accepted, so don't be careless in your words when you hear about a recent loss. Be understanding, but don't coax people to bury feelings in a new burden / relationship.  The Little states that this move forward gets us in touch with play or it helps stimulate our inner child. A small shift may be all it takes to get us back to the place we've been wanting to go- yet have been chained away from for far too long. The Little brings our attention back to things that fascinate and stimulate our needs. This may also signal to be gentle with yourself or others as loss is heavy. Offer to bring food or spend time with those that may have lost a significant individual in their lives. 

This week is one of both sadness and celebration. Some of us may not be ready to let go of the block in our path. Others will be glad to cast off the block and zoom forward. For those that aren't quite ready- you may need to assess things from a distance rather than continue interaction with this wound. Sometimes loving too strongly or constantly giving isn't going to get you where you think it should. Allow yourself a new experience, even if it's scary.

Do that thing you may have given up for the sake of the thing you're currently releasing. This can be things like buying certain foods a lover hated, getting flowers as a lost pet may harm themselves with flowers around, or doing an action that's been prohibited due to outdated thinking up to this point. It's time to exercise your freedom. This is not to say to omit laws or do anything dangerous; rather, the energy here is that of a LARGE block removal. Something is lifted that has been hovering over us for FAR TOO LONG. Let yourself enjoy life the way YOU want to enjoy life this week. 

The Return is a signal that things are coming back around to something more desired again. Things that we may miss or mourn the loss of at this time, even though it's not really gone. Some may find their groove returning as the past few months have been difficult for many to stay motivated or inspired. It may feel like we're "ourselves" again after a long time of feeling lost in the fog.

Hold off on trying to remedy the loss, as healing time is necessary. You may need to realize that devoted time you spent walking the dog, needs to go to something else calling for your attention now. Don't fill that void immediately and then mourn the fact that you don't have the time to do that thing. Give yourself space between loss to heal. It's not fun to grieve, but there needs to be space between this before you try to refill that hole. That hole may be needed for a garden to grow. 

This week is about letting go for your ability to RETURN to a different state of being. Don't invite a block of a different form back in to avoid this growth opportunity. Time is needed to adjust, not refill! 

I hope you all feel lighter and freer this week!
