The card drawn for the energy of the week starting April 25, 2022 is the 6 of Wands Reversed. 

The 6 of Wands tends to be a warning card when reversed. Don't overpromise or commit to things you don't actually want. This is a signal to slow down before you find yourself lost and wondering how you actually got here. 

The supporting cards of the week are also all reversed- which states expectations are not what you anticipate. The cards drawn to elaborate were the Ace of Swords Reversed, The Devil Reversed, and the 7 of Pentacles Reversed. The Ace of Swords Reversed is a card signalling that there's a quick halt to progress. A loose end. Something left undone/ unsaid can be a larger problem in the future- so do take care of things as best / soon as possible. The Devil Reversed is interesting, as someone may know the consequences, yet doesn't care until it finally falls upon them. There may even be blame on others, for the action or lack thereof- when in reality responsibility lies on the shoulders of the accused. Some may actually find a part of themselves that has been stifled needs room to breathe and grow now- most likely something of a physical nature which brings pleasure. Perhaps a limiting belief is falling aside, as you explore cooking after being pressured to not enjoy food for body shame, or you find a lover that you wish to explore forbidden areas with, or you find CBD to be helpful to chronic aches and pains- this is an indulgence that is recommended to enjoy! Some may find it's time to turn a new leaf with this as well, such as someone who's been too zealous becoming softer, someone who finds their time occupied by the wrong things will shift their attentions elsewhere. Allow yourself to see these new options without the devil others projected upon these areas. Last we see the 7 of pentacles reversed, which is a card of minimal possibility. With the freeing of an old idea or stigma, a whole new world of opportunity opens up- but you must be willing to let go of this fear or past philosophy. Let it flow! What you may have thought was once righteous may fall into tyranny now, breathe and release without the guilt. Guilt keeps the old beliefs alive, even if they haven't applied for some time. The opportunities given may not be wanted- but necessary for $, beware of settling into something you dislike because of money, not because you want to be there. Seek things you want to be a part of, not just what's expected!

So this week is a time where some may take a mental health day. Others may just stop going with the flow and jump ship to explore the ocean. Know this is a very volatile energy. Give NO guarantees when possible. 

There's a "derailing" energy to this week. Some of us may need to be pulled off of our burning building kicking and screaming wanting to finish that last thing. It's okay. Whatever was left undone, doesn't need to loom over you after it's already ash. Let go of old guilts, traumas, and ideology that keeps you lesser.

I also get a sense of "worth" rising. If you've been struggling to see why you're something amazing or worth anything- you may have your eyes opened soon. Even if you feel guilt over being so blind, it's okay, as you're able to move forward with more confidence. Let yourself see your strength, your passion, your kindness. There's no need to hide yourself when the collective is going through this process together.

Some of you may get an offer that's super unbelievable. Be cautious if it requires commitment beyond the usual day to day experience. If you're not into this opportunity, yet it offers a significant amount of $, consider the sacrifice of what you're giving to get this. You may find it doesn't actually pay very well in the end.

Scams may also be on the rise this week with this "be hesistant" energy. Turn on your call screening and caller ID. Don't give away personal information if you aren't certain the intent or condition of which someone is trying to get this information. Don't let anyone bully you into services you don't need or want. No one is entitled to your personal information, especially if they seem desperate or demanding toward you! 

If you're unsure if the person you're chatting with is legit- check with a question, such as "where did we first meet?" or bring up a topic only THAT person would know, such as asking "what kind of dog you got again?" Especially on social media! There may be an influx of identity theft through secondary profiles, so don't be caught off guard!

I hope you all are able to feel and experience your glory this week!
