Hello and welcome to May 2022!

This month has a lot of energy devoted to the new after spending so much time in the old. It's time to start living in a new way, because the old no longer applies. 

It's time to leave that place of hard self reflection. Whatever the past held for you, has had plenty of time to heal. Walk forward, out of the shadows of the past, those times are over. Let yourself be something different than what the past pushed onto you. Find the path being lit up for you now- even if it's just going out for a bonfire, you may just find that bonfire gives you the friends you've been seeking or the inspiration for a new fire roasted rum marshmellow recipe. 

There's a sense that there's more understanding toward how to move forward in a fully beneficial way. Don't force your way through- just wait for the energy to feel right. That's the big key- don't force, wait until it's right. Seek new opportunities or activities that make you want to explore an unknown!

Because there's a sense of something completely new coming- do not judge it quickly for the snags it runs into; rather consider, the benefits these new things are attempting to put into place. Let the snags happen, but also seek ways to improve your process. Perfection is never guaranteed- but the attempt is worthwhile. Take off the sense of impending pressure and severity- those looming feelings have been problematic for the past few years and it's time to release those into enjoying life again. It's okay to NOT be perfect, that's the true joy of humanity. 

Let yourself appreciate the process of learning again. It's never about perfection the first time, but seeing how the process works. Stop expecting what hasn't even been! 

There's a sense of chaos with this month, but as with all change- it is usually fueled and needs a bit of chaos to see where it can go. Just becareful to NOT dismiss things too quickly, or become angered by someone trying to assist your life. Emotions, ideas, and energy may be harder to keep under control with this energy floating, but it DOES make it easier to be creative or be inspired. Use excessive energy in a creative or adventurous manner! Don't squander the push of energy- especially if you've been trying to work out, start a new project, or branch out of your comfort zone. Those that tend to push down everything, may notice that it's spilling over and needs attention near the month's end. 

With mercury RX hitting this month, make sure you don't set important or groundbreaking things for that time period. Let the recitals, finals, or measurements of success wait if possible. If not possible, take extra care in study and be mindful or in the zone while practicing active activities- as injury seems more likely when you leave autopilot on. 

There is a definite happiness to this month. Where you seek to improve areas, take your time to allow results. Nothing at this point will be guaranteed- but it is recommend that you try what's calling to you now. Don't just sweep things away, let yourself dance in the dust and find a potential new way to enjoy life. 

The key is to NOT let potential failures, embarassment, or pain rule the direction. Let yourself find joy and follow it fully. You don't need to be the BEST, just enjoy what you're doing- and also allow yourself to exist in happier states. The guilt that seems to loom over generations can be lifted, but there needs to be an acceptance that things need to change entirely. People aren't flawless or able to work without humane treatment- so try to be as human and realistic as possible. People mess up, let it happen, but do attempt to correct mistakes when possible to go back- such as editing papers one last time before turning them in. 

I hope you all experience a significant change for the better this month!
