The card of the week starting May 2, 2022 is the IV of Swords from the Tarot Nova Deck. 

This week has us looking at humanity's relationship with rest. The idea that working hard to oblivion is starting to lose credit and validity. Many may feel exceptionally tired, done, irritable, or just want time alone. 

The supporting cards for this week are the X of Pentacles Reversed, Ace of Cups Reversed, and XX Judgment. When looking at the X of Pentacles Reversed- a long term ideal is no longer suitable. Some form of the tradition has been taken out of context. It's time to fight the tradition, as it's no longer the meaningful thing it once was. When the ritual becomes more important than the "why," that's when the issues become clear with "doing things because we always did them this way!" It's time to re-structure and shift the ideal back to the source- not the tradition. A large release is happening on a collective level- what once worked does not anymore, so it's time to let it go! This type of release is NOT easy and comes with resistance. Too many people are getting burned without good reason, it's time to stop burning people and start using the fire for more useful things! The Ace of Cups Reversed shows a sense of overwhelm. While the current system does not suit the masses, there is an unknown variable of what's next. Emotions may be more wild or volatile this week, so don't ignore your heart if it's telling you "This is not it." Beware of getting into altercations with such sensitivities going on as this tends to lend itself to low blows. Know when to leave and feel out the tension- empathy should be more accessible than usual. With this type of empathy going on, make sure you're only carrying your burdens when you start to feel heavy or depressed. Last, XX Judgment shows a key being given for the next step. This is the week of "give." You may notice something just "clicks into place" that you were oblivious to, but becomes very important afterward. There's a sense of things "righting themselves" even though it's not an easy week to float through. 

A few extra notes for the curious.

This may be a week where people are seeking isolation more. Wanting time alone in nature, going to the bathroom for mental/emotional isolation more than the bodily need, or going ghost on social apps will become more frequent. We as a species desire privacy in the lower states, don't force your way in if someone expresses a need for space this week! This is not the week to push socializing or pressure others into "social media rituals" for the sake of an algorithm which doesn't suit the masses to begin with.

Some may find that what falls into place does so in an opportune manner. Much like finding a lost puzzle piece, this completes a picture that's been missing a part of itself. People may feel like something lost is FOUND this week! Celebrate, even if its a quiet victory. Let your EUREKA moment be a celebration, especially when it's something only YOU can utilize.

If you need alone activities that help the mind process things- I suggest video games of puzzle solving or sandbox nature much like tetris, matching games, pinball, or other games that allow extra time to let the mind drift during play. Games the allow your mind the space to think, yet not get wrapped up into itself too emotionally. Self care comes in many forms, sometimes it's playing animal crossing at 1AM to let your mind see a different potential reality beyond the space of "reality." If you're seeking less electronic answers, sometimes just using a fidget toy or going on a walk in your neighborhood can open the mind's restless aspect to create more sense to a crazed reality as well.

Sleep may be heavier in the air than usual as well. Allow yourself to go to bed early if drawn to it! Let yourself rest a little more than usual, if desired and able! Dream states are trying to present information, even if it's nonsensical in the dream. Let yourself see the potentials, the ideas, and the possibilities this space holds. Take naps when the right energy presents- tired and midday with the allowance to rest.

I hope you all are able to find restfulness easily this week!
