The card pulled for the main energy for the week starting May 9, 2022 was 19. The Sun from the beautiful creatures tarot deck. 

The Sun Card shows hope coming forward. A new sense of better. Beauty can be celebrated as well as victories made real through effort. The thing about this card is- seek joy like music, while you may not see music as a physical thing you definitely can experience it and find places it lingers often. Seek joyous places that keep that vibe going. 

This week has a vibe that "everything's going to be okay," or that things are on their way to better (finally). 

The supporting cards of this theme are the Scorpion of Waters, 2 of Fires, and the 4 of Fires Reversed. The Scorpion of Waters is that intuitive knowing, like something shifted into place. It will feel like things are more destined this week or that the right moves are finally being made. The knowledge of this improvement may have been around for some time, it's just finally being utilized now. Sometimes that odd fact comes in handy- and this week will be it. Next the 2 of Fires has a "choice" attached to it. Which way will you take? Which way will be fruitful? Be honest with yourself, it may require some delayed gratification, but the best choices tend to be as such. A new outlet of growth is taking place, and it's supported by the Sun card- which makes this growth enjoyable for the long term in some way. Just know that once a choice is made, it may be difficult to take it back. Last the 4 of Fires Reversed shows an upheaval of some long term system or ideology. Some system will be turned onto it's head, but it's been a LONG TIME coming. A disruption brings the ideal result, so don't shoo away discomfort- you may just find it has the thing you want. Some may also find homelife unbearable this week- find ways get outside. 

The Sun also can hint toward better weather in general. 

There's a sense of accomplishment with these cards this week. Like "we did it!" yet we're a bit apprehensive, since we didn't think we'd get this far. The choice forward may have discomfort involved, but it's absolutely worth the results coming forward. 

A longterm con, lie, or dishonesty may come to the surface. This energy will be tackled by the truth. You can't hide the truth for eternity, it always finds a way to permeate to the surface. With this energy forward, a solution will come forward from unlikely resources. Sometimes just sharing an issue can bring about a solution from an unrelated party. A solution comes through HONESTY of the issue, not covering up and blurring the circumstances.

This week is a good one to seek your personal happiness. Don't worry so much about those who won't be happy- just enjoy the ride and let them come to their own joy in time. 

I hope you all find a slice of happiness this week!
