Card of the Week Starting December 20, 2021 is 23 The Green Woman Reversed. 

Her story is all about growing and finding a way- The fact that she's reversed signifies GREAT imbalance coming to light this week. Some of us may even feel like the "darkness won" the day. Chaotic growth and expectation has siphoned energy without repaying the kindness. It may seem futile, but this is the time where you don't want to feed the fire. 

The supporting cards this week are 9 The Singer of Intuition Reversed, 10 The Singer of Healing Reversed, 29 Ta' Om The Poet Reversed. These cards unfortunately paint a very bleak picture. When 9 the Singer of Intuition is Reversed, it may be harder to connect with that "source" energy. Some of us may feel drained. Others may even be bombarded with psychic dreams and information, but not realize it to be pertinent until it's too late. Trying to trust intuition may prove to be a challenge this week- especially if it's telling you something that doesn't seem plausible in the moment. Don't force results. If you get a funky feeling: work AROUND it instead of barging right into the scenario from disbelief. 10 The Singer of Healing Reversed re-opens the wounds of the past that never quite healed. This can be a signal that you need to work on this energy- even if it hurts in a whole new way. Venus Retrograde may also have a hand with this- an old lover who hurt you so bad may try to get back into contact with you. Assess your wound from them, make sure they can't slash it back open after the retrograde, if you do decide to entertain that lover. Last 29 Ta' Om The Poet Reversed is showing that you may want to get more serious about things that you've hmm'd and haw'd over this past year. While we may be gifted in some manner, there is no point if no one knows about this talent. Talents are to be shared with others; this is a form of human enrichment. This type of energy at the end of a reading states that motivation toward creativity is rising- but it may need stricter boundaries to truly thrive. This may also be a note on taking a risk with your craft- if you're a fanfiction writer; it may be time to publish a work of your own, if you stick to fan pandering, you will never see your true potential. This is a reminder that you can truly grow with your own work and creativity! 

This week may have an uptick in misery. The Green Woman being reversed shows growth in undesired directions. Things that we usually don't want to see grow are things like illness, debts, pain, and chaotic action. We may see some people act rashly as a way to "gain some control" only to be launched further into their folly. Much like someone spending the last of their money on the hopes of a lottery win only to be out of the money they needed for their bills. Don't double down on your bad times, even if it's tempting. There is no easy fix this week!

It may be time to cut off the heads of the hydra, but if the heads regrow then what? This week is best to plan and focus on creative endeavors. Find the things that make you happy and invest the energy into it! We're going to need it. Self soothing will be at a high point. Remember if you want to fight- it's far better to be at your best than to be tired, drained, and lost in the sauce. If you see others relapsing into toxicity, be supportive in a healthy way, this is NOT an easy week for most.

This week is a partial reminder to RELEASE the things we do not want. Do not support the areas that cause mass misery or pain. Do not allow leeches to suck all the blood out of the living- the leeches will need to be removed, as uncomfortable as it is. 

If you desire a reading for the year- NOW is the time to order to ensure it's sent before the start of January. The Year Reading is available in the shop. 

I hope you all are able to weed out the things you no longer desire so your 2022 is CLEAR of obstacles!
