Card of the week starting December 27, 2021 is XIX The Sun from the Welcome to Nightvale Deck

The sun illuminates and brings clarity to what tend to be fuzzy shapes. Believe what you're shown this week: you may just realize you've outgrown certain friendships, habits, or ideas. 

The additional clarification cards were the 4 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords, and XI Justice

When looking at a 4 of Pentacles, there's something that's soured the mood. Sometimes, we believe we need this or that for our happiness, but in reality that's a personal responsibility. Unhappiness can come from too high of standards set upon an individual where they have little time to be themselves or to indulge in activity that actually brings them joy. If you're bending over backward just to keep someone in your life, are they actually worth the effort or even attempting to reciprocate your energy? If not- that may be on your chopping block this week.

The 7 of Swords shows a door almost closed. Some of you have been dragging your feet to release certain people or ideas as a "backup." It's time to allow the "backups" the freedom of their happiness- don't string / breadcrumb people along, many are on the brink of losing their sanity entirely from this tactic. 

Side note: Venus Rx is not about "hooking up" this time around, but what boundaries need to be set in your social circles. You will need to set your rules for interactions with stricter (FOLLOW THROUGH WITH YOUR THREATS) boundaries. Many of you may need to lose a friend or potential relationship because it's not healthy!

XI Justice shows that some of us just needed to let go of the issue in our way to get the thing we actually deserve. Don't let yourself get spoonfed garbage when you should be getting gourmet quality. Especially those of you that go above and beyond for others! Sometimes all you need to do is "let go" in order for things to fall into place. This week has certain pieces falling right into place if you heed the energy. Avoid this energy and you may find yourself in a larger mess than you wanted. Don't be "nice" to your detriment! Balance is restored through actions, not avoidance.

The way this deck sets up this particular sun card is from a town of horrors and body doubles. When the sun shines upon this space, things get scary- but the knowledge itself is empowering. Know that sometimes where the sun shines is going to show the foulness instead of the desired. 

Sometimes we need to experience what we don't want for the sake of setting a boundary, so it doesn't happen at a worse time. Humans are pattern seeking- if you see the toxic pattern, you can avoid it a lot easier than if you never experienced it!

This week should be empowering if you utilize the energy to reset personal standards, ideology, and focus more on your own happiness. This may be a week where some of you go through the ringer to ensure you don't return the toxicity of the connections you keep. Know this is a push in a better direction, even if at the moment it's not ideal. 

I hope my readers feel empowered this week to set down the boundaries with those that overstep far too often!
