This week's main vibe is The Flowery

This type of energy focuses on building a better tomorrow. Much like planting a tree doesn't necessarily bring shade to today- a flower may take time to bloom or bring beauty to one's life. Resistance may still exist to this growth, but once things start flowing- it may be harder to bring back the old restrictions and reality. 

The Flowery is about embracing the self whole-heartedly. Are you open to loving yourself or your experiences? Discomfort may follow to those that tend to hold themselves back or feel like they tend to be "too much" for certain spaces. It's time to celebrate the existance, not the "ideology" of what human should be. We're on that tipping point of seeing life as the miracle it is- not the horror created by systems that only benefit a seldom few and let everyone else rot, that is NOT life's intention and never was.

This week encourages you to grow in DESIRED directions. Don't force the flow, just let it unravel naturally. Some of you may need help from friends- much like the peony needs ants to OPEN it up. If you tend to be a shy person, let your friends in this week. There's some knowledge that will be dropped in interaction to help your personal growth. Don't pass up opportunities that allow growth this week, especially if they won't matter to anyone else.

The flower is also about experiencing beauty. Seeing the ideals or even noticing some of your own come to fruit. This week may start some interesting fashion trends or ideologies- where there's less judgment and more appreciation for more eclectic or individual expression.

Remember flowers are BELOVED by so many, even though many just exist, eat sunlight, and eventually decay into earth again without any other reason than "I like pretty things in my yard." Beauty and existance need to do little for love- and the same applies to people, animals, etc. It's OKAY to not be where you believe you should be, as you are still living life- experiencing life, in the way you are, as best as you're able. But there's a sense of victory in mindset- where people see productivity's pressure is lying in terms of human value, and many of us can breathe a sigh of relief. To know it's okay if we're not quite what we want to be or where we wish to be, but to be where you're at is a beautiful thing in itself.

I hope you all experience a good growth spurt this week! 
