Card of the week starting January 3, 2022 is the 7 of cups.

This week presents you with potentials and opportunities. Not every option is for your benefit, so remember to be choosy toward where you invest your energy. Temptation is an offer that may not show its full hand until it's too late.

The supporting cards bring more nuance to this reading- The Seven of Swords, The Queen of Swords, and the Seven of Disks Reversed. When looking at a 7 of Swords situation, we see someone who KNOWS their craft- inside and out. Good work will speak for itself. If you're stumbling around on an idea, it may be time to start picking up some momentum with it. Action doesn't need to be loud or proud at this time, just start. The Queen of Swords has a bit of a bitter feel to it for this week. Terse words or criticism may flow too freely. This queen won't be happy with any result you give her, so standards may be incredibly high or unreasonable. When starting a project, setbacks may be more likely. This is a reminder to NOT delete or destroy your work from a critical point of view, but simply come back to it later. The 7 of Disks Reversed shows that too much has been taken without repayment. That queen of swords tries to cut your value and worth- but the truth of the matter is that 7 of swords energy shows that YOU ARE MORE VALUABLE THAN WHAT'S PRESENTED! Energy, time, crafting, ideas, blueprints- these are all valuable resources that have been undervalued for far too long. This week may highlight your worth as an individual. Not as a worker, not for what you can do- but simply the value of you as a living breathing entity.

 Perspectives may shift when the 7 of cups is around. Propaganda is easy to consume. The truth on the other hand is harder to accept, even when it's the nicer dialogue. The thing is, without the true experience itself, propaganda tends to win out. We listen to others believing they "know better," when in truth, everyone's just winging it. This is why when you run into truths, it's hard to accept the reality that someone else has a completely different experience to the projected "idea" propaganda paints. Experience is what drives truth- not a outside construction of that idea. 

The Imagination aspect of the 7 of cups can be a bit concerning when mixed with a Queen of Swords energy. This can signal that the inner voice may be cruel or difficult to deal with. Those that struggle with [Productivity = Worth] may find their week more painful than usual. It's time to see yourself as a living being as valuable, not solely the work you give. 

The perfection aspect is difficult to let go of this week. When we desire a constant 100% result every time, most people need to be at least at a 70% level of mental health. It's hard. The past few years have us in a traumatized state, it may be that much more difficult to reach 70%, so don't push yourself to destruction when you're at 20% and running on redbull with a side of anxiety. 

This week has so many potentials attached. Ideals and dreams may have us thinking about what we really want or desire from life. Beware of the sudden "fix" option that gives you everything you could want and more- it has a fine print that won't let you see it unless you ASK for it upfront. Before joining a workplace or collabing, you may want to seek sources to check conditions or propaganda around what you'll be working with. When a workplace states it's wage- is it "UP TO!" or "MINIMUN!" You may find that the "UP TO" type of workplace tends to hoodwink it's employees often with unreasonable demands... Discernment is absolutely necessary to function this week without falling into a trap or losing out on what should be yours. 

Keep in mind there's a craft / skill / idea that needs to be explored. You have what you need, and it's finally time to start pushing for it. This is not the time to throw dreams to the wind, especially if you have the means to start utilizing that venue. Mastery comes from action and practice, not avoidance. Allow yourself to become more masterful this week. 

Pretty offers and ideas are trying to distract you. Just because the sewer grate has bedazzaling on it, it doesn't change the fact that it's concealing poopy waters. Keep this in mind when you see offers TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE or seemingly too tempting to turn down. Look for the other side of the coin.

I hope you all find peace in your chosen masteries this week. May you find your worth through sheer existance!


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