The main energy for the week of February 14, 2022 is 12 The Hanged Man reversed

The Hanged man requires waiting or patience. When the Hanged Man is reversed, the wait is over. An anticipated outcome- neither good nor bad is to come. What have you been waiting for and why was there a pause? Some of us may realize our pause was our own doing, while others have very strong factors toward delay. 

The Supporting cards this week are The Page of Wands, The Knight of Wands, and the Nine of Swords Reversed. The Page of Wands is a very exuberant card, celebration is likely. A sort of happiness can be found here that has been hard to find with recent events. Take it all in and ENJOY the time of happiness that's likely seeping its way into your life. The Knight of Wands signals forward progression in a very beneficial way. Some of us may feel like our mojo is back from a long vacation. While it is exciting to use this energy, don't push when you're not up to it. Burnout is still a very real and clear aspect with the Nine of Swords Reversed looming. A sort of imposter syndrome or anxiety hovers when you think too long. Some may actually be breaking out of this emotional drudgery, but it takes time to really let it go- so if it's better but not ideal, keep moving with this energy. Things are gradually improving. 

While this may not apply to EVERY SINGLE person- Movement helps reinvigorate the soul, get out of the mundane to ignite your passion. When I state movement, it doesn't need to be a full on exercise or sweat inducing time- small stretches, a short walk, or even wiggle sessions to re-ignite fires that dwindle over binge working. With such fire energy, the best way to utilize it is by DOING not thinking with the swords energy reversed here. 

Overall this is a happier week. Some may find their inspiration returning after a dark period, others may feel safer than they have for some time. A certain event may come to pass which for many is a welcome change. 

This week shines a light on a breakthrough. A shift. A necessary desire coming to pass finally. Take the chance to be happy, even if it's seen as fleeting!
