The card of the week starting February 21, 2022 is the Black Tortoise Page. 

This card is the equivalent to the Page of Wands. This is an ACTION week, but only so much. This is your starting point toward the things you want. 

Write down ideas, get it in writing, WRITE IF YOU'RE A WRITER! This is a blessed week toward creation and specifically writing. 

The supporting cards this week are the Red Phoenix Page, Black Tortoise 7, and the Wheel of Fortune. The Red Phoenix Page (cups) states that we've set too small of a goal for ourselves, too often. Perhaps thinking too little of oneself has become habit. It's time to pick up the pieces. Seek support from those that see your greatness and will realistically help you. You've grown past this point, it's time to seek bigger ponds from your complacent cup. The Black Tortoise 7 states that things are at a standstill in a physical sense. No available action to take with the circumstances given. Frustration mounts as there may be expectations of failure before you even begin. Journalling or working out pathways through brainstorming will help. Defend yourself and needs- but not the idea that you need to shrink or be some sort of way. Freedom is the lack of expectation. The Wheel of Fortune feels very... out of EVERYONE'S hands... yet it feels incredibly beneficial for those taking steps to move into their best selves. This will be like a do or die moment for those that are hesistating. Take the opportunity presented, even if there's doubt of your own abilities. You may just surprise yourself with your own strength. 

While this is a bit shorter than usual weeks. Motivation and the ability to utilize it are really the main themes. Break out of the doubt. 

While usually pages are planning stages- this is more of a go-between of both planning and action as BOTH are necessary now. Start taking steps toward your desires. Passion fuels this page, so if you're not inspired, ask if you're doing what you actually desire or what you believe you *should* be doing. 

I hope you all find your strength easy to access and find the reward worthwhile for your efforts!
