Candle Prediction for March 2022

For those seeking comfort due to recent events, I recommend skipping this prediction and tending to your own mental health, loved ones, and not doom scrolling on social media until you're a puddle of anxiety. 

March is a complex month. Feelings are going in several directions. It's hard to stay focused on any one thing. Anxiety is always looming in the background. There's a sense of "not being okay" with the collective. Stress is too heavy as every day seems to hold a new concern. All anyone can do is to take things ONE day at a time with this type of energy in play. 

Too much is happening all around. It's going to be hard to stay neutral or grounded. Many will withdraw on and off during this month as a way to "stabilize" even though there's really no true stability to cling to. Overwhelm in several ways is rampant. Do not take "unavailibility" personal this month, it's a coping mechanism for many in this very stressful time. 

Healing of the heart, mind, and soul comes to center. While the body has been the focus of health for western medicine for years- energy / emotional healing will be in dire need. Those that have the ability will be in high demand. If you know you need to see someone make your appointments NOW, as it will be hard to be mid-month and find availabilities with favored healers. 

March brings forward a lot of messy feelings, thoughts, activities. "Temporary lapses of sanity" may come about due to belief structures not sticking to a specific script that's been taught. This is not a great time to attempt to "make sense" of it all as the tornado is hovering over the house. 

The main message for March is to remove excess and do what is necessary. Many may find it's time to turn off the "news" as it's only upsetting and isn't showing any form of resolution or beneficial options. The masses are incredibly drained and can't afford to spend energy where they can't be directly involved. 

Compassion will go a LONG way this month. If you have the energy, remember to check on your friends, loved ones, and even people who are in your neighborhood. These people who have the energy will be few and far in between, so don't beat yourself up if you cannot extend this kindness. Giving kindness or comforting the disturbed will be rampant in an online sense- but everyone needs this kind of understanding especially offline.

I hope you all find peace and can share good experiences during March. 
