Card of the week starting March 7, 2022 is 34 Sylvanius Reversed from the Faeries Oracle. 

This card has a very strong message. Self identity is only as strong as the belief behind it. Many may find parts of their identity crack away this week. Shadow work will be heavy with this type of energy flowing. 

As the book description writes- You put the mask on, then you must take it off to show the truth. 

That speaks volumes to those that avoid deeper parts of themselves. Truths hidden by fears or lies of others. Face the truth- the HEART of where these truths came from, and you may just find the truth was a lie from societal training. The fear of being "othered" can create suppression of self. The mask of society pushes us to believe truths that never were true to begin with. 

Supporting cards this week are Himself, Iris the Rainbow, and the Bright Mother. Himself is my favorite card in the deck, for several reasons, but mostly because he knows EXACTLY who and what he is. He may play the game, but he doesn't lose that sense of self. He will never not be himself, yet with Sylvanius reversed- it can be easy to get caught up in things that weren't necessarily wrong but weren't fully true either. Himself shows us to trust that we are who we are. There is no imposter syndrome, there is only fulfilling the role. Iris of the Rainbow speaks of a great improvement after a storm. If you've been feeling stuck or unable to move forward- she brings the hope of a new tomorrow. We all see this storm we've been swept into has been destructive, the presence of Iris states the promise of rainbow is not far. A significant amount of growth comes through this type of card, an acceptance of a truth hidden through "norms" most likely. The Bright Mother comes forth to nurture this new growth. The sense of abundance and love comes foward in a way that may have been lacking prior. Needing to love as deeply as we can as well as nurturing the lives of the living has been in great lack for several years- this is an omen to better interactions and understanding. 

All of these cards signal that it's a perfect time to call one's power all back to oneself. Instead of hiding behind this or that- just be you. If you are unsure of who "you" are, go back to the state of your childhood, the pure expression of being that exists there is the start of "you." There is no reason to align with assumptions that usually paint an incorrect portrait of an individual. It's time to see oneself as whole, complete, love worthy, capable. 

As this type of energy avoids "cause," I will state that it's likely things increase in direness, which triggers the need to be more loving. There is little to lose anymore. Give fully into the dance of life, stop holding back so you don't regret "not expressing love." 

This energy has been very prevelant in my own meditations and interactions with spirit. Things are what they are- some will have no name or shape, but they are a very strong individual vibe. This is how strong the human spirit SHOULD BE, yet we are told to become small. It's time to step back into yourself. Love yourself and others without the conditions of societial expectation- Love people as they are, not what you are told to love. 

This is a week of getting back to the true source of life. The sparks that create love and hope. Start moving in honest ways, instead of just going with what you were told to do. It's time to LIVE as a WHOLE individual, instead of looking at yourself in fractured parts.

I hope you all find personal empowerment through love this week!
