The energy for the week ahead is the Move Reversed. This card is that of motion, and while it's reversed you can expect progress to SLOW down significantly. 

The energy of the previous week may also play into why the energy is so slow moving (the firey reversed: low motivation or drive*). Essentially, if it needs to be done FAST- it most likely will be done wrong or a lot slower than desired. Keep this in mind toward your wants and needs, "it can wait" is the mantra. 

A pause is necessary at this time. It may not be WANTED, but it is needed. Trying to power through this energy is going to prove much more difficult, than just waiting until things prove more fruitful or workable. This is a signal to NOT panic, if things are going wonky. 

Collective energy says: Stop trying to continue and asks for you pause, you don't even like the direction things are going when you continue. So just stop. Let it fall away. You won't stop when you keep going on like this. It's time to stop and see what else could be.

This feels like a TIMED pause for everyone. No bypassing. How you react to it is the key here. The more you decide to quiet your inner need for completion / productivity the easier it will be. Powering through will be met with all sorts of difficulties, until you take heed to SLOW DOWN. (Readings probably will tell most people to just PAUSE for now if they try to find a bypass that way, in b4 the hanged man, & the 8 o Swords come for you). 

There's something that cannot be seen or acknowledged while in motion. When there is pause, it's easier to see or understand. Be open to your own pauses and whatever information rises from these moments. Judging isn't necessary, just observe and respect how far you've come. 

This is your chance to breathe. Take a break. People may be more apt to cancel, so don't get twisted out of shape if that friend decides to opt out of girls night. Excuses may seem extra or very lame if this was planned for some time.

 Seek activities that allow solitude and plenty of mental space to walk in your head- like tetris, solitaire, or sudoku. The more you can go within your own mind the better. Something needs you to see it / acknowledge the energy. 

While it can be incredibly difficult to deal with "low progress" this week it's a collective issue. Don't be too hard on yourself or others as the energy just isn't quite where it could be for the ideal circumstances.  Frustration is going to be high as no one is quite getting what they want, so try to stay in control of your emotions as best as possible.

There's something about this "last second shift" that's striking me oddly. Solutions may only arise when the time has passed or becomes incredibly dire. Don't force- as waiting longer will actually bring better options; but if it's doable in an acceptable way- go ahead. 

I hope you all can have a pleasant pause! I hope your week is easier to work with after knowing it's collective and NOT just you.
