As the years go by, I must on occassion raise my prices for readings and services. Mostly, because, nothing gets cheaper as time marches forward. 

So here's the readings that will NOT have a price increase.

  • One Card Reading
  • Past, Present, Future Reading
  • Dream Reading (Interpretation reading)
  • Strength & Weakness Reading
  • The Monthly Reading
  • The Home Assessment Reading

The new prices of readings will be as follows

Custom Reading will go from being $30 to $50

Yearly Reading will go from being $50 to $75

Natural Talents Reading will go from $25 to $40

Tea Reading will go up from $15 to $25

Past Life (crystal ball) Reading will increase from $30 to $50

Candle Channelling will go from being $20 to $30

Level Up Reading will go from $35 to $40

I am considering to allow 10 minute readings for $20 through video like discord. This would be a separate entity from the shop- essentially through paypal, venmo, or square. It's still in the works, but I'll be posting about it on my social medias when it's ready.

Remember if you want ANY of these readings- Purchase before April 1, 2022 for the lower price.

This blog will remain free to read. I like posting a full on break down of the weekly readings and going through monthly themes. It's an excellent way for people to see read a reading, see what they're about, and consider a more "personalized reading." So yeah, advertising basically. :P 

Thank you for supporting my shop, and keeping the magic alive!
