I'm taking a short break from readings.

Main Cause: Collective Energy

At this point in time, I believe there's a sense that people need to be able to TRUST in themselves more. By doing readings, I may or may not be interfering with this very necessary process, so instead I am on standby mode until further notice. I am still alive and wish to let the humans that use my guidance feel their own path alone, until I'm called into service again. The collective needs to start moving on its own will- not going where it's told by other humans!

This is NOT an easy time to choose this path, but I trust my guides and what the energy is spelling out for me. So for the time being, feel free to chat, but no services will be tendered. I'm letting the weekly energy and vibe check reading pass by for now- as I feel strongly that this week needs to be "open" instead of predicted. While I love the idea of doing several readings and then feeling like there's a sense of normalcy- the truth is, there isn't anything really changing the circumstances. So I decide at this point to put it on pause. 

The growth and freedom that may flow through the lack of responsibility is my main goal here. When I have a reading in "wait," I find it extremely difficult to focus on anything else. If I have a scheduled reading for the day- the rest of the day is devoted to that, even if it's 5 minutes. So I wanted to release that type of stress and pressure off of myself, as I just have been much too stressed out by other more chaotic concerns in my life.

 I know my talents lie in the metaphysical, so I'm not going anywhere. I'm just giving myself extra space to move, grow, and rest adequately. 

I hope you all have a good week ahead. Thank you for your support!
