Congratulations if you were able to stick it out through April. March was no cakewalk for anyone. This is a point where many may be mistrustful as things have gone so far in March. It's alright. Breathe. Take a second to observe and let things be. 

There's a sense that better is almost here, but anxiety is still high toward how far one must fall before the ground finally slams into us. The need for REST is heavy, those who keep avoiding the need of rest will find themselves burnt out and weary. Take time to yourself, even if its just a 4 minute breather in a bathroom stall before getting back into the mix. Make time for your recovery from emotional, mental, and physical stress- stop avoiding this process that's been oddly replaced with guilt toward productivity. If one cannot rest, they will NOT be productive- please see the studies toward less hours in the workweek doing better for the well-being of the workers. 

Many of us are working on deep soul wounds, childhood beliefs, and conscious reality creation. The deep soul wounds come from allowing that which is lesser- dating that person who won't call you back or that sacrifice for a friend who ended up betraying you in the end. Sometimes, our heart leads us to pain, but not because we're mean people, but because the human heart is sacrificial in nature. This type of energy is being transformed for many, so they may see their worth, their beautiful hearts healed by the same love that may have led them down a path of emotional ruin prior due to the need of a specific result not coming to be. This type of love isn't going to with-hold itself, love just gives, all you need to do is accept that love to heal you. Childhood beliefs instilled through school or parenting may need to be reworked. Sometimes you may realize that "off comment" was made in hurt or distrust rather than out of a truthful belief or concern. People mirror their own pains upon others, and when you realize where that starts and stops for you- that's when you stop the painful cycles of passing it on. The steps toward creating a better reality is to ACCEPT and REALIZE where the pain and wounds are- not avoiding them going "love n lite only thx." No. The process of better starts with stating that "things are not in a great state and changes need to be made where pain is the highest." This is a conscious action, not one that just goes with the majority hoping that it works out. Conscious love and love giving is a strong answer to the pain, but it will take more than one or two people- it takes a COLLECTIVE to transform all of this. 

The good news is, there will be time this month to focus on you. Time will be made, found, or shift in a way that provides "extra moments" to reflect toward how to improve what's going on. This isn't the time to have mental arguments to win- NO, this is the time to unpack that "why do I need to win?" question.  It's time to heal those "unheard" and "unseen" emotions that are heavy and hard to carry. 

There is still work to be done, so those that dislike being in their mind for extended periods can breathe a bit. The work itself is dependent on you and what you want to bring to the table. Beware of finality this month, as nothing is quite "certain" during this month- let things fall into place or fall apart if necessary. Sometimes the process of doing is healing itself, even if it doesn't quite fix the desired issue. Allowing is key toward learning what will work and what needs to be released.

Relief is a major theme this month- there's a breath of fresh air passing through, because it's been too hard for too long. While relief is in the mix, still try to take each day and activity as it comes. Try to not carry things with you that ended already. Work stays at work, even for those that work at home, keep work related pains in that work timeframe. Let yourself rest from the stress! You don't need to work it out or battle it in the mind after the interaction or moment passes.

A sense of purpose seems to return where it was missing through most of March. Those that feel "stuck" or "zombified" in their own lives may start feeling like there's movement and consciousness returning. Some may find their time outside helps allieviate the strain and stressors of human life and interaction. Grounding is a very strong action which may be aided through nature this month specifically. 

While April is no cakewalk, it does provide a renewal that's been desired for some time. I hope you all find a sense of peace through the healing going through this month! As always, the April 2022 reading is available for purchase in the shop for those who want a "personalized" reading for their specific energies! 
