I've just added a new spread to the shop!

Welcome to the connections reading. This is a reading intended for people who have HAD interactions with the other party- and either want to strengthen this connection or understand it better. This reading is not a "spying spread" but more of what both parties may already be aware of- or need to become aware of. This is a wonderful reading to get a better picture on a connection or to give peace of mind to those who over-process their interactions. 

This reading is a PRESENT based reading, so the energy is a bit more "changeable" than the compatibility reading. 

I have decided that due to this reading being 6 cards, I'm pricing it as $30, as a picture is now included with every reading now. I do feel like the extra work needed is worth the price increases especially with an overly sensitive usb port being the only one that takes my phone's images.

I hope this reading helps those seeking to better their interactions with others!
