I had an interesting spirit note given to me this morning. People are about to change significantly. 

I get a sense that "true form" is coming into being. We as a people are starting to cast off the ideations and necessity of societal standard of humanity. Through this energy, we're embracing our truer and more authentic selves.

Those that are able to embrace themselves fully- you're going to notice the shift first. Those that fear looking at themselves and too closely at others will take some time. 

I get the sense that whatever the dark ages ended up "hiding" in plain sight, is about to come back out- unapologetically for humanity to embrace and enjoy. 

We shall see what this translates to- whether it just be a 3rd eye visual, social love for a group of underappreciated people, and or seeing things that've been dismissed for centuries as unreal. We may just find ourselves to be the missing creatures from centuries past.  

I'm excited. I can't say this will 1000% manifest in the physical, but there's definitely a nod to "true form" upcoming. More love and acceptance toward whatever you actually are as an individual. IT may also just be humanity just accepting that a person's soul may not match their physical appearance. Hard to say how this will manifest in the coming days and weeks. 

These kinds of energies and informations are rarely cut and dry. But that's the information given- Authentic individuals will be able to embrace their true form and see other's true form as well- even before the other person is fully aware of it. 

I hope you all find love in your heart for yourselves, so you may see the beauty that is your presence!
