Weekly energy starting May 23, 2022 is the Erase card from the clow deck. 

The erase tends to talk about letting go, correcting issues, or simply just going a different way than the past dictates. A fresh slate is sought out as the old no longer applies. 

The supporting cards for this week's energy are the Fight, the Change, and the Sand. Starting fresh, does not always mean starting easily when the fight card is in play. You may actually have quite a few circumstances trying to keep you in your current state / place. Your heart may be easily triggered, so be careful to not walk into a lion's den- feel things out before committing or accepting things "as they are." The Change tends to push transition, wants more fluidity or options, and tends to be what's needed. Are you too stuck in "what's needed" mindsets that you're not honoring the self? There's an INTERNAL shift for many this week, toward being more true to the self- less self sacrificial. Last the Sand card peeps up to let us know, this is NOT an easy week. The sand whips up the need for patience, as each minor frustration builds a pent up energy. Find ways to honor this energy in a way that releases the pain, but does not harm those who have little to do with the frustration itself. Patience may be harder than usual to get a grip on. Give yourself the ability to face frustration, but also let it go when it's done. There's no need to be cruel from a problematic mood stirring, as the solution of self removal from these circumstances is the best option for those involved. Be mindful of your own needs before getting into anything too deeply!

A few extra notes about this week's energy

If you're hoping for a miracle, there will need to be participation on your end. You can't see a shooting star when cooped up in your bedroom with the curtains drawn; you will need to comply and go outside or open a window to view the stars. Even then, you may need to wait for a day where there's a clear sky to let your dreams be a reality, as clouds drifting by will obscure the miracle sought out. Let yourself take steps toward the things you actually want, instead of only surviving this week. Ensure you do the tasks needed when the time is right, not out of panic or desperation.

Digital replacements for true experiences may feel less fun or more problematic than usual. Those that create content may notice an uptick in trolling or hate from the collective frustration. There's a need stirring in the collective to "break out" of the personal prisons we keep ourselves in, and sometimes that includes cruelty to strangers as these folks cannot release this frustration toward the true source. Know when the fight is futile and find a different way to deal with these painful energies.

Mishaps are also more likely, as the mind may be overly preoccupied with this shift. Make sure you're taking time to feel this energy, so you can find where you need a shift/change! You may notice focus is harder to harness than usual, don't beat yourself up over this collective problem looming. It's not about being 1000% focused, but about letting the mind wander into new territory from here. This new territory may bring the solutions you need, even if others are too invasive this week to actually apply these ideas. Let the idea sit and stew in the creative process while the storms of life pass. Creativity may be higher than usual to create the solutions you seek. Make sure you try to keep your creativity toward solutions, not self detriment or infliction. 

There may also be a large loss on the horizon with the erase card in play. Perhaps a resource is lost due to a vote, a favored website is removed from the collective, or a beloved belonging is ruined in a mishap or natural process- let it go and find the strength to move forward. It's time to move forward.

I hope you all heal and strengthen your lives significantly through this week's energy.
