I usually do a weekly energy assessment reading and a monthly candle reading- I've been asked to NOT do so by my spiritual guides. We have a mystery energy we all need to face without prompt or prior knowledge.

Sometimes humanity needs a little "unknown" in order to assess a situation PROPERLY and to act organically toward it. That's what's needed this week. Organic reaction. Don't force things that don't feel right. Just flow. 

Also. If you're not sure what to do, seek love and be loving energy. That's the big need right now- LOVE. If you can give love, do so as deeply as possible. If you need love, give that deep devotional love a twist and allow your heart freedom to give to more than just a singular lover or "yours" energies. 

There's no need to be harsh, cold, or uncaring. Love comes in many forms- utilize yours in the best way possible through acts of kindness, listening, being there, or words of encouragement. We collectively need it.

I hope you all have a good week ahead. 

Sending love
