The collective energy theme starting on June 13 is the Cloud RX from the clow deck. 

This week brings clarity where there has been confusion or lack of information. This week can bring discord when information is being processed, so allow others to let information sink in. 

There's a sense of peace that comes through this week's knowledge, it shouldn't be jarring or painful in a harmful sense. It should actually be a relief to know the whys and how come. 

The ability to listen seems amplified as well. Are you talking too much? Internally? The ability to quiet down the inner voice may be easier than usual with this type of energy. The ability to live in the moment may be that much more attainable, rather than considering other options. 

The cloud removes blockages, mental fog, the internal brew of energy that isn't going anywhere. It should feel freeing, but those that feel saddened are realizing a truth that may be painful- let them heal and grieve. 

Chatting things out with a considerate ear or listening to the usual considerate ear is in order. Be open to that invite to a cup of coffee or extra time with a friend.

I hope the clarity brought in this week invigorates your soul in a way that hasn't been felt since the original lockdowns. 
