The week starting July 5, 2022 has the energy of The WINDY Reversed. 

This is my "Not a no. Just a not right now" response to most questions. Sometimes things take more time than anticipated. Certain ideas, lessons, or events must come PRIOR to the main event. 

Patience is necessary. Go with the flow, not what you believe the flow should be. Flow. This flow is exactly what's needed and desired to get things moving in the right direction again. Forcing a situation or flow now may create bad feels, major setbacks, or a complete do-over will be necessary. 

Speak up now. Especially if someone's spouting nonsense or is about to hurt themselves through their thick-headedness. This is not the time to charge directly into battles. Quite the opposite. Wait it out. There's a reason for this pause- let it play out. 

Understanding will come in time, even if in the moment- the circumstances are irritating. Much like listening to a song for the guitar solo- the solo usually needs the build up for the true vibe of that solo to hit just right. Don't force the solo / beat to drop too soon. Seriously. This is all about waiting for the right time, right place, right Situation present themselves. 

This is on the other hand, the PERFECT TIME to heal or remedy old situations. Do not rush into the new, you may not realize you have a few threads of "old mess" still on you. Take your time. Enjoy time to yourself or very light get togethers. Meditation is a safe space- utilize it if things get hairy and you need to de-whelm yourself.

This is not the best time to get too excited with big plans or complex ideas.

May your setbacks be your tension on the bow so your arrow may fly swiftly, far, and precisely!
