Weekly Vibe Check draw came forward with the Libra Reversed. 

This card is all about balance upright, so when it's reversed, we're going to see a lot more IMBALANCE.

There's a bit of a vagueness to this energy, so expect these balance issues anywhere and everywhere. Something may get nerfed in our reality to push a better balance- so there will be complaints toward those who benefitted from this imbalance and allowed it to go on for so long. 

The benefits of this card highlight things that we may usually overlook or feel apathetic toward in general. Certain issues of the past may flood back due to new concerns or events bringing significance back to the root of the problem. Start going for the root rather than just clipping branches- it's like a hydra- new creative ways to ensure growth of a problematic direction. Loopholes will be taken advantage of on several levels. 

There's going to be some touchiness this week due to the energy at play. This is not really a good week to brag about how you PWNED* someone through an unfair glitch or advantage, if you wish to keep that going for yourself. The collective is seeking ways to allow more growth- and keeping unfair advantage doesn't allow for that. Those that wish to point out discrepencies, it's an excellent time to do so. Just know, when you kick up the dust, get ready to cough. Victory is NOT guaranteed, but there's an openness to the knowledge of the scales at play. If you go into battle for balance, make sure you're prepared and LEVEL HEADED as being an emotional wreck will allow for labels of "Dramatic," "Unstable," or "Crazy."

Expect some interesting twists and turns on a larger level as well as a micro level. Quality of life updates require acknowledgement that life can be better than what it is FIRST, before we can improve it. 

PWNED :  A widely used gamer term from 2005-2013ish to let people know if you were winning. Usually a very satisfying win. Was replaced by GG (good game*)

I hope this week offers you opportunities of something better and much improved from current experience!
