This week, the vibe pulled was the Return RX. 

As an energetic theme, this is hinting toward a return that may not be sought or welcome. While it may seem to be toxic at first to talk things out, sometimes the information given can heal the wounds that are sat in hatred and pain for far too long. Some of these returns will be in memory only, so do NOT get hopes up if you're a little excitable at the idea of chatting with an to explain everything- this week isn't actually about that. It's about getting past the big roadblocks in our psyche that keep us in patterns we don't even enjoy being in. 

So what does this all mean? Big. Shadow. Work. Week. 

Yep. We're digging around in our own memories, desires, and hidden selves to seek out truth. The funny thing about truth is this, it doesn't NEED to be believed, it will wait because the truth knows what it is and why it is. Unless you can emotionally unlatch from certain outcomes, the truth will stay vague or seem fragmented. The real truth of things is when you dig in the dirt, the pain, and the bones of the past. Some of us may even need to find truths of those who've already passed in order to get our own selves right. 

To those of you who have unwelcome energies coming to you- it's time for you to face these energies head on. Some may have to face a person they have removed from their life as the energy is too confused or stuck without your direct banishment. It's time to look at how much energy is really being siphoned away for that extra thought to "not run into" or "keep away" from certain people- you may be doing way more mental gymnastics than necessary. It's time to release the ties and tethers to the vampiric connections that don't feed either party anymore. 

This is a very painful/ jarring week for some. It will not be the week to push too hard for information or connection- this has to come naturally and willingly. If you're someone who wants a complete overhaul to your energy- you may find the cutting of the cord restores the balance- or even reconnecting the cord- if you realize an assumption, made in haste, was in error to a connection. 

This is going to be a weird week. So take extra care of yourself. Have your trusted loved ones on speed dial if you know you need support or extra back up when it comes to certain people. Allow yourself the freedom to reject an apology or to not show up if you feel something is funky or not set in pure intention. Listen to that intuition , it'll keep you in the know if something is of concern. Signs and signals will be more noticeable/ clear. 

I hope you all have a healing week!
