
So I've had a turbulent few years. I'm pretty sure that the grittier details are best kept to those that actually want to know. 

The basic knowledge is that I'm assisting my family. This is rarely an easy task for anyone to take upon themselves, and it deserves a lot more respect than what society allows. It is very difficult to balance family and thrive as an independent business given the circumstances life has handed me. I decided to go the route of lesser resistance and let myself take a break from reading. 

There are times when I consider reopening, but then the family concerns whip up. I want to be sure that my focus when reading is on the customer- not a stray energy. My focus is hard to put on others when I don't have a given private space for my own self- not at home. 

I have a very high standard for what I want to send out as acceptable, and part of that is having enough time to proofread and comprehend each reading. I also would prefer to go back to my old format of just emailing people directly, NO IMAGE OR DOWNLOAD FILES, once I return to doing readings regularly. I believe etsy (this website too) will be reformatted to sell downloadable files that don't have any personal information within them- informational zines, guides, etc. I enjoy teaching, but I prefer to do so through words - not through my face. 

I will reopen readings sometime in the future, but I find myself wanting to try other things with my life. I have been reading since 2008, and it's just time for something different again. I'm not quitting, just taking a "vacation" to exercise my creative self as it has been couped up for some time. 

Work has plenty of other readers at this time. I believe my knowledge is best utilized as a guide when asked for the time being. If you want the knowledge, I can guide you where to go. I'm open to conversation, but you have to specifically ask to just TALK (not read with me). 

Something is breaking in the energy recently. I know this hiatus isn't going to last forever, but it still isn't quite done yet. I believe for the time being, I need to reset and recharge in a different kind of way. When the time comes, another update will come through. Just know, I WANT to read again, but there are other life priorities asking for attention instead. I need to respect the energy- as one would in a reading, and follow it to see where it goes. 

My experiences have left me quieter, yet more poetic. The universe whispers when you allow yourself to listen and accept the answers. While I may not always be able to update what is going on with my life or be a social media superstar- I have been learning to love myself stronger than ever these last few years. I hope that it will translate into the readings I offer in the future. 
